Living in the mesmerizing city of Paris is a dream come true for many people and while it can be a wonderful experience, it doesn't come without a few challenges. The amazing French capital that is Paris offers some of the best cuisine in the world in a city that has a rich culture with some breathtaking and iconic landmarks. Even so, adapting to life as an expat in Paris can be both extremely rewarding with a few hurdles along the way. We'll take a short journey to examine some of the challenges you may face along the way.

The Language Barrier

One of the first challenges that most expats face in Paris is the ability to communicate with the locals. French is a wonderful language and mastering even the basics will take time and effort. While many Parisians these days speak English, when it comes to daily life in Paris, a good command of French is a necessity. You'll need to know the language to work your way through the local stores and administrative offices, public transport and even chatting with neighbors and colleagues. Keep in mind though, that even if this will be a major challenge for any expat, the best way to immerse yourself in the Parisian way of life is to learn the local lingo.

The Culture Shock

If you've ever traveled anywhere around the world, you'll notice that although you had no problems fitting in, you need to be aware that what may be considered normal behavior in one place, won't go down very well somewhere else. The French, in particular, have some very different views in terms of social norms, etiquette and customs. The French are meticulous when it comes to politeness, especially in social settings. You may also need to learn to move out of the fast lane into a slower one because the French like to take things a little easier and enjoy the best life has to offer.

Finding a Place to Hang Your Hat

You've probably heard the saying, "Home is where you hang your hat". This is possibly the first thing you need to consider before you head to the City of Lights. After all, you will need somewhere to live when you move to Paris. As with most capital cities in Europe and the world, accommodation can be expensive. However, you can find the perfect place to rent in Paris and it doesn't matter if you're looking for something long-term or short-term. Using an online platform for rentals in Paris allows you to use filters to choose aspects like a particular suburb, or arrondissement, the number of rooms, furnished or unfurnished and even narrow down the price per month you can pay. If you're not sure where in Paris you'd like to live, you can always secure yourself a short-term rental for a month or two while you explore the city and then choose your preferred location.

The Cost of Living

The cost of living in Paris often comes as a shock to many expats. Paris is often associated with luxury and while this may be considered a good thing, it does come at a price and one you may not be able to afford. Fortunately, if you can cook even the most basic meals, you can shop around for the best grocery prices and still eat well. Also, Paris is famous for bakeries and they are filled with all sorts of delicious breads and pastries that are tasty and filling. Public transport is also quite reasonable and can get you around the entire city but if you want to introduce yourself to the city take a long walk or invest in a bicycle.

Even with a few challenges, being an expat in Paris is sure to be a wonderful and very rewarding experience. Once you immerse yourself in the Parisian way of life and discover the best Paris has to offer, you'll wonder why you didn't move there sooner.